How To Make Facebook Page Attractive

by Web_Design
According to studies facebook users has been increased 18% than last year. That means there is mind-boggling chance for facebook, and power of social media has been a clear evidence for that. Starting with your cover photo, one of the most powerful elements in your facebook page. It needs to be an ideal one. Make an unique cover photo which encapsulates your services. Highlight your brand identity.
Here is some cover photos. Here the logo has been important, it highlights it. Then coming on to Profile picture May of your visitors will notice your profile picture, you need to be professional in that (customization). Don’t use cute or busy profile pictures. Facebooks suggests that 170*170 for desktops. 128*128 for smart phones. Post photos which are relevant to your topic, which is also appealing to all. About Videos. Videos should have professional touch. Because its going to be serious from 2018 0nwards. Through videos you can generate more leads. Always maintain quality standards.
For SEO “Content is the king” but here Visual content is the king. 90% of data transmitted through brain.
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