Google Algorithm Update May Be Rolling Out Since June 25

by Web_Design
Google is introducing new algorithms, but technically not yet confirmed it. As John Muller said “We make updates all the time” there is little bit changes is happening in Google, according to Advanced web ranking, Accuranker, SERP Metrics, Mozcat, SEMRush it seems there is an algorithm update. Here is some information’s from best tracking tools. You can check out your analytics, and rankings.
The Shocking news is that the updates has impacted websites/web pages in a different manner, some sites are dropping down 20%-30% some are dropped more than 60% too likewise some are risen up to 20%-30%.
As we can experience the frequency of this updates is gaining some quality updates.
To be on safe side you have to take care of something.
Focus on high quality contents.
According to Rankranger sites which had rank between 6-10 has seen the most volatility. Check out your webmaster as well as Analytics, see the difference.
Stop annoying your clients.
Be relevant to the heading.
To be Frank Google not yet confirmed about June 25 th update. John Muller has told that “There is nothing confirmed from our side, this is just random chatter”